Financial Information
Mission of Mercy Canada is a member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) and accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities.
Gifts are tax-deductible and each gift designated toward a board-approved program or project will be used as directed with the understanding that when any given need has been met, funds will be used where most needed.
Mission of Mercy Canada is governed by a board of directors that maintains legal control of the organization's assets, making certain that contribution designations are honoured and that the work of the organization remains consistent with its stated philosophy, purpose and mission.
Audited Financial Statements
2023 Audited Financial Statements
2022 Audited Financial Statements
2021 Audited Financial Statements
2020 Audited Financial Statements
Financial Accountability | Our Commitment to You!
Mission of Mercy Canada believes our supporters are valued partners in the work of missions in India. As stewards of your trust, we are committed to:
Use all funds for Board-approved programs and projects.
Honour your designation of funds for special purposes.
Direct funds to areas of greatest need after a special need or project has been met.
Report the results of your investment-including stories of changed lives-in India.
Refuse, in any way, to distribute your name to other organizations.
Respect your preference regarding the frequency of communications you receive from us.
Maximize the use of funds for the benefit of hurting people in India.
Mission of Mercy Canada is accountable to friends of the ministry and is a member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC).